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Showing posts from March, 2020

COVID-19 Anxiety: Control your Controllables

COVID-19 Anxiety: Control your Controllables If you’re worried about whether or not you’re doing enough to protect yourself from COVID-19, you’re probably doing enough. Extreme worrying and extreme “prepper measures” won’t be any more effective than making good choices based on realistic guidelines. Manage your exposure to the news. Binge-watching any news channel for hours on end tends to magnify your perceptions of the actual threat, not contain them. Keep up-to-date on the situation, warnings, precautions, or quarantines that are in effect, but don’t get sucked into the negative fear-mongering that some news reports breed. Check in with your support network and share your fears and anxieties. When we’re trying to manage anxiety, we have a hard time stepping outside of our own perspective. By speaking to others, you are taking control of your emotions and others may help normalize what you’re feeling as well as share ways that they are dealing with their own concerns. Keep y

Sometimes, Being In Love Is Two People Being Weird Together

Sometimes, Being In Love Is Two People Being Weird Together As you make your way through life, you are going to encount er a lot of different kinds of people. There are going to be some individuals who will cause you pain and make you cry. You’re going to meet people who will make you so happy that you would be smiling from ear to ear whenever the two of you are together. There are going to be sure people who will make you laugh until your insides split. But even though you meet so many different kinds of people, you would rarely find someone who truly understands you. As human beings, we all have this innate feeling to be accepted and desired by the people around us. We always want to be loved and adored. It’s as if we have this natural desire just to gain the good favor of the people we meet every day. But on a more fundamental level, we are always looking to be understood. We still want to make sure that people get why we exist an

15 Real Reasons She Had To Walk Away From You 

15 Real Reasons She Had To Walk Away From You   You never want to have the girl that you love to break up with you out of the blue. You never want to be blindsided by a breakup. Breakups are already difficult as they are. They are even more difficult to deal with when you don’t see them coming; when you’re unable to prepare yourself for them. When you are able to see the breakup coming, you are able to make a few adjustments along the way to try to change the direction of the relationship. You can make a few changes to try to stop the breakup from happening. At the very least, you will be able to brace yourself for the emotional rollercoaster that you’re going to have to go through once your girl breaks up with you. However, here you are. Your girl has broken up with you and you didn’t see it coming. But what if it’s because you just weren’t paying attention? Maybe she tried to tell you that she wasn’t happy but you just didn’t listen to her. Maybe she gave you plenty of op